Austrian Names
Explore a range of traditional and unique Austrian names with our Austrian Name Generator. Whether you’re naming a character, pet, or looking for inspiration, our comprehensive lists provide classic, modern, and distinctive Austrian names to suit your needs.
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Male Austrian Names
If you want to avoid the traditional options, these Male Austrian names might be perfect for you.
- Alaric
- Benedikt
- Constantin
- Dorian
- Edmund
- Emmerich
- Friedrich
- Gustav
- Hermann
- Ivo
- Janos
- Klaus
- Leopold
- Maxim
- Nikolai
- Otmar
- Philipp
- Reinhard
- Siegfried
- Thaddeus
- Udo
- Valentin
- Wilhelm
- Xander
- Yannick
- Zeno
- Achilles
- Bernhard
- Casimir
- Dietrich
- Eberhard
- Fritz
- Gregor
- Helmut
- Julius
- Karl-Heinz
- Ludwig
- Manfred
- Niels
- Oswald
- Rudolf
- Sebastian
- Theodor
- Victor
- Wolfgang
- Zacharias
- Alfred
- Clemens
- Emil
- Franz
- Hugo
Female Austrian Names
If you want to avoid the traditional options, these Female Austrian names might be perfect for you.
- Adelaide
- Beatrix
- Claudia
- Dorothea
- Elisabeth
- Freida
- Gisela
- Hildegard
- Irma
- Josefine
- Klara
- Lieselotte
- Magdalena
- Nadine
- Ottilie
- Pauline
- Quintina
- Renate
- Senta
- Theresia
- Ursula
- Verena
- Wilhelmina
- Xenia
- Yvonne
- Zita
- Amalia
- Brunhilde
- Cecilia
- Delphine
- Eleanora
- Flora
- Gabriele
- Helena
- Ida
- Juliana
- Karoline
- Leontine
- Marina
- Nina
- Olga
- Petra
- Rita
- Sophie
- Theodora
- Ulrike
- Veronika
- Wilma
- Xandra
- Zara
- Agnes
- Berta
- Carmen
- Diana
- Emilia
Unique Austrian Names
If you want to avoid the traditional options, these Unique Austrian names might be perfect for you.
- Adalbert
- Anton
- Bernhard
- Caspar
- Dietrich
- Egon
- Friedrich
- Gottfried
- Heinrich
- Jakob
- Karl
- Ludwig
- Manfred
- Nikolai
- Otmar
- Pius
- Quirin
- Rudolf
- Stefan
- Theodor
- Ulrich
- Viktor
- Wilhelm
- Xaver
- Yves
- Zeno
- Alfred
- Benedikt
- Christian
- Dorian
- Emmerich
- Fritz
- Georg
- Hermann
- Ivo
- Johannes
- Klaus
- Leopold
- Maximilian
- Nikolaus
- Oskar
- Philipp
- Quintus
- Reinhard
- Siegfried
- Thaddaeus
- Udo
- Valentin
- Wolfgang
- Zacharias
- Adelaide
- Beatrix
- Cecilia
- Dorothea
- Elisabeth
- Flora
- Gisela
- Helena
- Ida
- Josefine
- Klara
- Marina
- Nadine
- Ottilie
- Pauline
- Quintina
- Renate
- Senta
- Theresia
- Ursula
- Verena
- Wilhelmina
- Xenia
- Yvonne
- Zita